But how did she get there? Or was she herded there as well? I knew a few people that did not really have a choice in what they majored in, or what they could read in their spare time….but they were a definite minority. Was she herded into high school cheerleading as well? Did she ever make a choice? 167Some Handle September 21, 2011 at 3:44 pm Nope, and 118 wasnt even addressed to me. I must have missed something. I’ll try to find your question. 168Susan Walsh September 21, 2011 at 3:46 pm @Some Handle Susan, by your own stories, that does not seem to be the case. By Real Man, I am guessing that you are referring to some sort of traditional masculinity, yet, that does not mesh with the hottest, most fertile girls going for the type of guys that they go for. I was responding to Mule #77. He said that women are unhappy with the current selection of Mansluts and Sniveling Supplicants. I agree. Are they attracted to Mansluts? Yes, but 50 years ago those guys would have not had that opportunity. They would have been pushed into the Real Man box. So now women get pumped and dumped and hate the manwhores. But they will not opt for the SS, who rarely approaches and therefore flies under the radar in any case. A new study of college students found that only half had hooked up even once in the past year (hookup was defined as oral, anal or vaginal sex). I think half is a lot, actually. Hookup culture is ubiquitous, but many do choose not to participate. 169Some Handle September 21, 2011 at 3:48 pm If there is a herd, how come the sheeps were eating from pasture A in the morning, and eating from pasture B in the afternoon? But they were always eating pasture. I honestly dont see the relation between herd and change. Change is a feature of the herd. The market change, culture changes, the brainwash changes, countries go up and down and technology. I dont see how the change in trajectory of a flock has anything to do with if the flock exists or not. OK, so we are all brainwashed.