O. 137Average Joe September 6, 2010 at 2:41 pm @Obsidian, Try links before the race card… 138Chantilly September 6, 2010 at 3:44 pm I have to disagree with Average Joe. Look at the faces of those women in the link you provided. Not a “pretty face” among them. They are gym rats, body-builders. So if we believe you then we are to believe that American men’s taste in women has been masculinized and they find non-soft, non-naturally pretty women to be “hot”. Which brings me to this conclusion: When men say “hot” they are not talking about “naturally pretty” rather they are talking about women who show off their bodies and those bodies may have the muscular structure of a man and their faces may or may not be pretty, but as long as they wear make-up, dye their hair blonde, work out, build muscle and show it off – then they can be considered “hot”. No thanks! The prettiest girls I know do not wear make-up because they don’t have to AND they are smart. I find the women you linked to look like trannies. 139Tom September 6, 2010 at 3:47 pm I’m with Obsidian on the merits of Kim K versus the Maxim list. But I don’t know that it is a racial thing. I like Bria Myles, and I also like Alexis Texas. I am a middle aged white guy. I just like those curves. I’ve liked curves as far back as I can remember, whether on black, white, or brown, or whatever color woman. 140Obsidian September 6, 2010 at 2:51 pm Hi Avg Joe, Yea, i am very familiar with Maxim’s list. However, it’s a “lad’s mag”, ie, it’s for White boys. Brothas read stuff like King, XXL, Black Tail,. etc. Perhaps you’re familiar with such mags? Please take a look at them, compare them to maxim, and tell me what you see.