EC: "I'm good. What's your name?" I've found her. I then lean over in her ear and tell her. Game? Not really. Just a normal conversation. When you stick to women that you're compatible with, game isn't necessary. Bar is getting ready to close. Time to test her. I start walking away. She follows as I speak. No need for me to tell her to come with me. I now know that she's into me enough to unconsciously follow my lead. Exactly what I look for in my women... Me: "You're a really interesting woman. I wanna take you out. Does that sound like something you wanna do?" She pauses and stares at me. And I slowly start to turn around and walk away. Grabs my hand... EC: "Yeah, I wanna do that. I wanna go out with you." Me: "Alright. I can give you my number, or I can take down yours. Either, or. Whatever." I give her mine, and she decides to call me so that I have hers. Why the pause before she responded? It's a common thing. Women tend to be a little shocked when I say exactly what's on my mind. They're use to dealing with men who are afraid to be men. Me? I give women multiple opportunities to reject me and just walk away if they choose to do so. I put myself out there, you know? Not every guy can do what I do, and that's part of the reason why all of my numbers are solid, why I rarely get rejected or flaked on. Anyways, back to the night... Girl: "Oh my god, that was so bold. No guy ever says something that mean to me." She still has that same huge smile across her face... Her friend, Eve: "He's the guy who said that to you!?" Girl: "Yes!" Sk8: "I can't believe you chicks were dwelling on what he said for like a week." We start bullshitting with the girls. They both start staring me down... Eve: "I know, maybe we can both make out with him tonight." I look at them. They smile. I look at Sk8. Did you just hear that? Sk8: "Yup."